

Institutional investors hold the overwhelming majority of the shares of Dutch listed companies and manage other people's and institutions’ money. The beneficiaries and clients of those institutional investors and the society at large expect that those investors act as an engaged and responsible shareholder. To help institutional investors to meet this, Eumedion drafted the Dutch Stewardship Code in 2018. This Code explains how institutional investors can meet their responsibilities regarding engaged and responsible shareholdership in a way that contributes to the long-term value creation by Dutch listed companies in which they invest and consequently to the return on their investments. In addition, the Stewardship Code offers institutional investors the opportunity to render account to their beneficiaries and clients with regard to the manner they have exercised their shareholder rights. The most important principles of the Dutch Stewardship Code were incorporated in the 2022 edition of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code. Consequently, the Dutch Stewardship Code has a dormant status.

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Dutch stewardship code
